Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fusion Optix expands and creates several new job openings

Visit our careers page ( to view several new job openings. We are inviting suitable candidates to apply to join the team. Positions are available in production, engineering and sales. Great opportunities, great packages, great people!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

New printable light guide technologies unlock alternative form factors

Fusion OptIx unique light guide platform has recently expanded to included patterned, non planar form factors. Our approach requires no up front tooling and we can go direct from computer generated layouts to fully functional high efficiency light guides in rapid prototyping phase. More information on our website

Monday, March 10, 2014

Unique ultra thin light technology enables more versatile POP displays

Perfectly uniform, high efficiency, edge lit shelf helps add something to retail POP presentation. Enabled by Fusion Optix patented integrated light guide technology. So What? Well, the unique light guide technology achieves higher extraction efficiencies and is more uniform than competing technologies. It is also lower cost with no up front tooling charges. An altogether more efficient and value for money solution. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fusion Optix Enabled LED Digital Clock Art Installation at e-Luminate Cambridge Festival

Fusion Optix partnered with British artist Colin Dewar to create this LED Digital Clock Art Installation as part of the e-Luminate Cambridge Festival in Cambridge England. Titled "Kairos", the installation features 20" (500mm) letters comprised of 9 channels each fitted with a programmable color-changing light strip and a Fusion Optix PMMACS8080-250A diffuser film to create a dynamic, fluid effect for the shifting LEDs.

Fusion Optix PMMACS8080 diffuser films are efficient, durable, and offer superior light diffusion capabilities combined with extremely low light absorption to enable highly efficient light control in a variety of LED applications.

  • High Transmission/Low Insertion Losses
  • LED/Lamp Obscuration
  • Luminance Uniformity
  • Mechanical, UV, and Thermal Resistance
  • Low Cost Customization Options
  • Color Mixing
  • Beam Spread
  • Durability

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